

My Geek

 Geeks. Nerds.

A vision comes to mind: shy, gawky, socially inept, super smart, fumbling, knowledgeable, old clothes, funny clothes, mix-matched clothes. Absorbed, obsessesed, naive, cute, sweet, dorky. Passionate, brilliant, convinced. Cool gadgets, machinery, glass beakers, chemicals, labs in the basement.

Oh wait, everyone has that vision.

It's kinda cliché.

It's propagated by Hollywood.

It's almost universally accepted.

It's not always the case.


It's also not so unlike everybody else, more or less, at different times in different ways. Except for the labs in the basement. Probably only a geek will have that...

 My Geek is a Texan Geek.

 My Geek only wears Wranglers... So far. (Mooahaha.)

My Geek writes all his lab notes with the genuine space pen I gave him. It's engraved with a heart and everything. Pretty sweet. Pretty sentimental.

 My Geek is super technical. And methodological. And careful.

He's running cool experiments as I type. Polishing away at zirconium samples. On the hunt for delayed hydrogen cracking. Part of a larger experiment simulating the performance of cladding in Nuclear fuels. (Get that? Just checking. I didn't.)

That's my tribute to geeks for the day. Flawed like the rest of us. Passionate about their interests. Mine wears Wranglers. (And a cowboy hat. Space cowboy, the whole shabang...)

The Writer