
Who and Why

Lauren is an aspiring writer, a fierce home decorator (grrr!), a hopeless crafter (utterly), and a self styled chef (She ascribes to the power of chocolate). Sometimes she dabbles in poetry. She has Type 1 Diabetes and finds it conducive to sanity encouraging to talk about the craziness this can often be. (We each have trials, hopefully this encourages you to share yours!) She likes to create the pretty food she sees on Pinterest, though she sheds a tear when it comes time to eat it. (IT TOOK ME THREE HOURS TO HAND WHIP, BAKE, FROST, ARRANGE, AND TAKE A BILLION PICTURES OF THAT.... AND NOW WE'RE GOING TO EAT IT????!!!!) She is married to a super hot geek, who is going to build her a time machine and take her to visit Victorian England. Tall order (not really), but he's awesome like that. (Honey?) Lauren believes that the world was created by a holy, sovereign, Triune God, and He opens her eyes daily to her need for Him - and the beauty, comfort, and stability, of living her life according to His ways.

John Calvin is a Physicist and a Nuclear Engineer. (Yes, he is named after the sixteenth century reformed theologian. You saw that right.) He's working on his Masters of Science in the great state of Texas, at the great Texas A&M University. Gig 'Em! (It's an Aggie.... thing. Actually, don't ask. And don't google.) He is only part geek, the other part is cowboy. Which explains the cowboy hat and boots he wears (always... even when he sleeps. Wellll, almost). With his spare time (get it? the joke? Grad students don't have spare time... hahaha... ha....) Calvin enjoys Minute Physics videos, board games, building miniature trebuchets, reading books with his wife (who is educating him in the parts of British literature he missed... ahem), bicycling, and every little detail or date related to his favourite historical battles. He strives to worship God in spirit and truth, with all his heart, in all his ways.

Without too much deliberation, Lauren and John Calvin decided it would be fun to start a blog about their lives together. And share with others what a hilarious, messy, beautiful, normal/un-normal, kinda boring/super exciting, life that can be. (Plus, it preserves our personal histories for future blogeologists.) We know there are a million blogs out there, so in a way, this blog is for us more than an audience. We want to celebrate what we have been given. The challenges, the growth, and the hope. All to the praise of our Savior. Hopefully it will chronicle where we have been, and encourage others to live life to the hilt, one day at a time.

And that's basically it, folks.

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